Product description
Luxury electric elegant wine opener - Opening wine has never been easier and more elegant like with our electric opener. The procedure is simple - rekease the foil oon bottle, put the wine opener on the top of the bottle and press the button.
You do not have to worry about any problems such as the sinking of cork - wine will be opened quickly and automatically.Tasting of good wine is an unforgettable experience. Of course, unless you are not using a classic wine opener. If you are tired of wrestling with corks, try this elegant bottle opener! With this luxurious opener you will save time, because the opening of wine will take only a few seconds! Surely everyone knows the problems how to open the wine and how to get the cork quickly and reliably out to avoid the devaluation of delicious drink.
It is easy with our electric wine opener. Take opener, attach on the neck of bottle, press it, and within ten seconds the cork is away! That's it! Favourite gadget among wine lovers and is now already available in your country. Luxury gift!